Watch Your Health


The 'Watch your Health Program' is designed to act a positive fund raising program for schools and clubs. Each sale of a branded fitness tracker or subscription will generate multi year revenue and it will also benefit the children by utilising fitness trackers to capture every childs activities both in and out of school. Our AI technology analyses their performance against international standards, providing valuable insights for health and wellbeing.



Capture a child's daily activities including steps, sleep patterns and inactivity times.


Mobile App For Parents

Parents can view their childrens activity levels and they will recieve notifications when thy reach their targets and suggestions to how to improve.


Real Time Dashboard

Teachers and Coaches can view a summary of the overall health of their class or teaml and utilise this information to modify their interactions with the students.

AI Analysis

Our AI technology analyses metrics such as activity levels, sleep and inactive time to provide personalised insights for each child. This data-driven approach helps in improving overall performance and health outcomes.

International Statndards Comparsion

We compare children's activity levels with international standards developed by over 500 health experts in Canada and Australia to ensure they meet recommended guidelines for health and fitness. Meeting these standards is crucial for their overall wellbeing.


2024 © Healthy Habits Technology All rights reserved.